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# - two binaries crond and crontab

sbin_PROGRAMS = crond
bin_PROGRAMS = crontab cronnext

crond_SOURCES = \
        cron.c database.c user.c job.c do_command.c popen.c security.c \
crontab_SOURCES = crontab.c security.c $(common_src)
cronnext_SOURCES = \
        cronnext.c database.c user.c job.c \
common_src = entry.c env.c misc.c pw_dup.c \
        externs.h funcs.h globals.h macros.h pathnames.h structs.h \
common_nodist = cron-paths.h
nodist_crond_SOURCES = $(common_nodist)
nodist_crontab_SOURCES = $(common_nodist)
nodist_cronnext_SOURCES = $(common_nodist)
BUILT_SOURCES = $(common_nodist)

AM_CFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)


## if DEBUG
## noinst_PROGRAMS = debug
## endif

# This header contains all the paths.
# If they are configurable, they are declared in configure script.
# Depends on this Makefile, because it uses make variables.
# CCD 2010/09/10 added CRON_HOSTNAME for clustered-cron.
CLEANFILES = cron-paths.h
cron-paths.h: Makefile
        @echo 'creating $@'
        @sed >$@ 's/ *\\$$//' <<\END #\
        /* This file has been automatically generated.  Do not edit. */ \
        #ifndef _CRON_PATHS_H_ \
        #define _CRON_PATHS_H_ \
                        /* SPOOLDIR is where the crontabs live. \
                         * This directory will have its modtime updated \
                         * whenever crontab(1) changes a crontab; this is \
                         * the signal for cron(8) to look at each individual \
                         * crontab file and reload those whose modtimes are \
                         * newer than they were last time around (or which \
                         * didn't exist last time around...) \
                         * or it will be checked by inotify \
                         */ \
        #define SPOOL_DIR       "$(SPOOL_DIR)" \
                        /* CRON_HOSTNAME is file in SPOOL_DIR which, if it \
                         * exists, and does not just contain a line matching \
                         * the name returned by gethostname(), causes all \
                         * crontabs in SPOOL_DIR to be ignored.  This is \
                         * intended to be used when clustering hosts sharing \
                         * one NFS-mounted SPOOL_DIR, and where only one host \
                         * should use the crontab files here at any one time. \
                         */ \
        #define CRON_HOSTNAME   ".cron.hostname" \
                        /* cron allow/deny file.  At least cron.deny must \
                         * exist for ordinary users to run crontab. \
                         */ \
        #define CRON_ALLOW      "$(sysconfdir)/cron.allow" \
        #define CRON_DENY       "$(sysconfdir)/cron.deny" \
                        /* 4.3BSD-style crontab f.e. /etc/crontab */ \
        #define SYSCRONTAB      "$(SYSCRONTAB)" \
                        /* system crontab dir f.e. /etc/cron.d/ */  \
        #define SYS_CROND_DIR   "$(SYS_CROND_DIR)" \
        #define SYSCONFDIR      "$(sysconfdir)" \
        #endif /* _CRON_PATHS_H_ */ \

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